Soothing A Pet When Visiting A Veterinarian Hospital in Millersville

by | Apr 24, 2018 | Veterinary

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When a pet owner needs to bring their dog or cat to a veterinarian hospital in Millersville to evaluate an injury or illness, the chance of the pet being stressed from the visit is a concern. A pet that does not regularly go to the doctor may become frightened during their stay. Here are some tips to help to keep a dog or cat calm when waiting to be seen by a veterinarian.

Schedule The Appointment During Off-Times If Possible

To help to keep a pet calm in a waiting area, consider making an appointment at a time when the location will not be busy. Call a veterinarian to ask them if they could schedule the appointment at a time when other pets are not expected to be in the waiting area. Scheduling the appointment first thing in the morning is also a prospect as fewer people will be waiting to be seen with their pets at that time.

Let The Veterinarian Know If Anxiety Or Fear Is A Concern

When calling a veterinarian to make an appointment for a dog or cat in need of an evaluation, indicate any concern about their demeanor during a visit. This will alert the veterinarian so they will tend to the animal with an extra-gentle demeanor. Most veterinarians are skilled at touching and talking to a dog or cat in a way that makes them feel at ease during an office visit.

Encourage The Pet To Focus On Desirable Actions And Items

Make sure to bring a cat inside a carrier when going to a veterinarian. Place a comfortable blanket in the bottom portion as the familiar scent will calm the animal. Keep a dog on a leash and position them near their owner’s legs, so they retain a sense of calmness when waiting for an appointment. Feeding a small pet treats or showing them a favorite toy also helps to keep them focused on a familiar item rather than their surroundings.

When there is a need to bring a pet to a veterinarian hospital in Millersville, finding one that will schedule a prompt appointment is a must. Call or visit the website to find out more.

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