Steps to Purchasing the Best Truck

by | Nov 1, 2017 | Automotive

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Trucks come in all shapes, sizes, models, and brands. There is one truck that is always on top of the safety lists, and overall popular lists. This truck is the Ford F-150. Ford is known to make the most popular and durable trucks. These trucks are also made as family-friendly trucks, which allows them to reach a whole other market. There is really no truck like that compares to the Ford F-150.  You can find the Ford F-150 in Crestwood.


If you are looking for a truck that can handle large loads, the Ford F-150 is perfect for you. These trucks are so popular because of their cargo capacity. There are other great features that these trucks have. You can always customize your truck. However, they come with a lot of standard features that are great. Some of these features include, but are not limited to, great engine sizes, six speed automatic transmissions with overdrive, anti-lock brakes, side seat mounted airbags, safety canopy system curtains, overhead airbags in the first row, large seventeen inch steel wheels, traction control, electronic stability, and stereo systems with four speakers. Those features alone make it stand out from the rest.


Do you want a truck that can also be a family-friendly vehicle? There are not many trucks that can serve as both. The Ford F-150 can serve as both a family vehicle as well as a work vehicle. This truck has a third door option that makes its back row larger and more comfortable than other trucks. It also makes it easy and safe to have a car seat in that row.


When you are in the market for a truck you know the look you want. You want a truck that is large and fierce looking. You also want it to be safe. You can look at the Ford F-150 and see it is a sturdy and durable truck.

If you, or someone you know is looking for a Ford F-150 in Crestwood, please go to Hawk Ford at website

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