Take Precautions When You See a Honey Bee Swarm in Columbus, OH

by | Sep 7, 2018 | Animal Removal

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As most everyone knows, honeybee numbers are drastically decreasing, leading the government to step in and take measures to help protect bees before they are gone forever. During the spring months, honey bees will sometimes begin to swarm and frighten people who come across them. It is critical individuals know the steps they need to take when they come across a Honey Bee Swarm in Columbus OH.

Steps to Take When Confronting a Honey Bee Swarm

Honey bees swarm in the spring months when colonies begin to divide. The queen takes off with a portion of the colony, and they form a massive ball of moving bees, waiting and resting until they find a new spot for their colony to form.

During the swarming phase, honey bees are fairly calm and are not likely to sting anyone unless they feel threatened. It is important that individuals act appropriately when they are faced with a honey bee swarm in Columbus OH. The following are the steps a person should take to avoid being stung.

 * Do not panic – Panicking can lead to poor decisions that cause a person to place themselves in harm’s way.
 * Do not make sudden movements – Bees can detect movement and may become startled if sudden movements are made around them.
 * Do not make loud noises – Loud noises can startle a swarm of bees and cause them to react and protect their queen.
 * If a person sees a swarm of bees, they need to carefully and quietly backtrack and get inside as soon as possible.
 * Make sure pets are not allowed in the area where the bees are located so the pets do not cause the bees to become startled and attack.

Call For Help

It is imperative a person does not attempt to kill the bees. Calling in the professionals will allow the bees to be safely removed so they no longer pose any threats to the occupants of a home and can be taken to a safer place where they can establish a colony. If you have a bee swarm on your property and need help with removal, contact us right away.

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