Talk To The Vets In Portland About Spaying And Neutering

by | Jan 16, 2012 | Business

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It is advised to spay or neuter your pet but it is an important decision for pet owners and should be discussed with one of the vets in Portland. Your decision helps to stop the over population of animals. There are many homeless animals in the country and about as many as 300,000 of the homeless animals are euthanized every year. Most of these animals are the puppies or kittens of family pets. Your decision to spay and neuter your pet can make an impact.

Understand spaying and neutering with vets in Portland

Spaying and neutering is the process to make animals incapable of reproducing. While spaying is used for surgically removing the ovaries and uterus in a female cat or dog, neutering is the surgical removal of testicles from a male cat or dog. Neutering is generally referred for both genders. Vets in Portland can perform the surgical procedure for spaying and neutering.

The American Humane Association recommends for a juvenile or pediatric neutering. This ensures the safety and health for pets and also helps to control over population. Pets as young as 8 weeks of age are allowed to go through spaying or neutering procedure.

Discuss the neutering surgical procedure with the vets in Portland

Neutering is not a major surgery. It is not an invasive procedure that involves entering any body cavities. Neutering involves a general anesthesia and the pets recover quicker when compared to spaying. Talk to the vets to understand the surgical process that your pets will go through. Pets are sedated and under general anesthesia and their breathing and heart rate are closely monitored.

Dogs: Vets will make an incision near the head of the scrotum and remove the testicles. They will then tie-off the spermatic cord and the blood supply. The incision is then sutured up and the closed with staples. The sutures can be removed 10-14 days post surgery.

Cats: Most vets prefer to incise the scrotum in a cat and take out the testicles and tie it back. The incisions are very small and heal as an open wound.

Understand the benefits of neutering with the vets in Portland

Neutering gives your pet a longer and healthier life. It helps the female cats with the nervous pacing and constant crying and messiness with female cycle. Neutering in male dogs and cats helps to control the aggression and the roaming urge. If the female cats or dogs are spayed before their first heat cycle it eliminates the risk of breast cancer, uterine infections and uterine cancer. In males it prevents testicular cancer and risk or prostate gland and peri-anal tumors.

There is a cost associated with spaying and neutering. Talk to the vets in Portland and the animal clinics to find a low cost option.

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