Being transgender in Texas is hard enough. Being transgender when your facial features don’t quite fit with the gender with which you identify is even more difficult. However, your male to female facial feminization surgery can help transform your face to one that looks much more feminine. Here are the standard procedures recommended for making your cis-male face more female.
Laser Hair Removal
Until you have the right balance of female hormones in your body to counter the male hormones already present, your beard and mustache will keep coming back, shave aftershave. You can get rid of this problem by having laser hair removal to your face. Depending on how thick and how fast your facial hair typically grows, you may need between three to ten treatments before the facial hair doesn’t grow back.
Understandably so, many transgender male-to-female patients have larger noses. A rhinoplasty helps reshape, sculpt, minimize, and soften the entire nose into something more feminine. Unless you have an unusually small nose already, facial feminization surgery almost always includes a rhinoplasty procedure.
Shaving Down Cheek and Jaw Bones
Very masculine cheeks and jawbones may need to be shaved down to soften their lines. Cheek implants soften the hard lines of more masculine cheeks. Various soft tissue procedures may be needed to create a very soft-looking face and profile. Your surgeon will let you know what you need to accomplish your desired look.
To get started on your facial transformation today, contact International Center for Transgender Care via