The Australian Homeowner’s Guide to Rodents and the Health Risks They Pose

by | Jul 11, 2023 | Pest Control Service

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Rodents are one of the most common types of pest, found in many homes across Australia. While they typically dont pose a direct threat to human health, they can spread disease and contaminate food sources, so it’s important to understand the basics of rodents and the health risk they pose.

The most common type of rodent found in Australian households is the house mouse. These small, grey mice are usually around four to 10 cm long and weigh 5-18g. House mice are mostly nocturnal, and like to make their nests near food sources. They can contaminate food with their droppings and urine, as well as spread diseases like salmonella.

Another common rodent is the rat, which can grow to around 14-20 cm in length and weigh up to 500g. Rats are usually found near water sources and places with food scraps. They are omnivorous and will eat almost anything, including paper, fabric, and even electrical wiring. Rats can also spread diseases like leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, and salmonella. They can also damage property by chewing through walls and electrical wiring, which is why prompt removal of rats is key to the prevention of rodent damage.

Finally, the most unique type of rodent found in Australia is the bandicoot. Bandicoots are small marsupials that measure up to 40 cm in length and weigh up to 1 kg. They are usually grey or brown in color and have a long snout and short ears. They are usually solitary animals, living alone in burrows or tunnels near homes. Though they are not known to carry diseases, bandicoots can damage property and contaminate food sources by entering homes and digging through garbage.

If you think your home may be infested with any of these rodents, it is important to contact a pest control expert right away. Prevention of rodent damage is much less costly or tedious than repair. Get started today by contacting Flick Pest Control Adelaide.

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