An auto body shop is a place of business that is occupied by professional auto repair technicians and mechanics, as well as body repair specialists, all there to fix and renew your precious vehicle and get it back on the road looking pristine and shiny new again. Autobody collision repair in Reynoldsburg, OH will offer their autobody customers the same excellent service that any similar place of business around the country would offer. They will repair any and all collision damage, including dents, scratches, complete fenders or panels, replace and repair damaged paint, glass and other parts to make the car good again.
Specialization and autobody repair areas
Many businesses will specialize in one specific area of auto repair and that could be an oil change, brakes and clutches, tires, body work, transmission, exhaust systems or engine repair. Most of them do not do everything on the one site and therefore if you need auto body repair you will probably need to approach an auto body specialist and let them look at the damage.
How badly the collision damage is will depend on the type of repair and the cost of repair. Your insurance company will probably assess the vehicle and let you know if it is worthy of being repaired or if they will total it. If they total it you will be offered the blue book value of the vehicle with the option to ‘buy back’ the vehicle from the insurance company. You can then rebuild it if you wish to. If the vehicle is more valuable you will be offered the cost of repairs but you may need to argue your case a little to get the maximum benefit from your insurance company and policy.
If the damage is minimal and you can pretty much get by with just fixing a few dents and keeping the costs low you could have them repaired using the technique of PDR-paintless dent repair-which is a modern technique that pulls the dents out of the panels of your vehicle without leaving a ‘scar’. Scratches will need a different method of repair but dents can be fixed easily, provided they didn’t crease in the process, in which case the paint could peel.
Rieser Autobody East provides professional autobody collision repair services in Reynoldsburg, OH area.