You fell in love with your pet and you couldn’t wait to take him home with you from the pet shop. However now that he is home, he won’t stop chewing your shoes or rooting through the garbage! No you don’t have to give him back. All you need is to find the best dog trainer to assist you. Understanding the basics of dog training for your pet can help to understand how this service can benefit both you and your beloved pet.
Behavior Modification
One of the aspects that you will become familiar with as you seek training for your dog is behavior modification. If you have taken your pet home and notice some very undesirable behaviors, you will want to consult with the best dog trainer right away. They will help your pet to refine their behaviors so that you can enjoy your pet’s company once again. Some of the behaviours that can be altered with this specialized type of dog training include dog aggression, human aggression, obsessive compulsive behavior, and separation anxiety.
Obedience Training
One of the basics of dog training is obedience training. You want your pet to respond positively to your voice and to do as you say. This can only happen if they have been trained to listen. Even though you may think that the best dog trainer will get your dog to only listen to them, this is not the case. Once they have a basic understanding of the essential dog commands, they will heed them especially when they are coming from their owner.
Problem Solving
Another type of dog training that can prove beneficial is problem solving. The best dog trainer will work one on one with your pet to figure out why they are doing certain types of actions. These could include play biting, digging or jumping. Figuring out why your dog is doing these things and training them to do alternate and more acceptable actions is one of the advantages to this type of training.
The best dog trainer you can find will ensure your dog gets all of the training they need. They will discuss your options in detail and will develop a personalized dog training plan based on your needs and budget.
The best dog trainer can help your dog at The Dog Stop, an award winning dog care center.