After undergoing a complete dental examination, the dentist confirmed that the patient is a candidate for Implant Dentistry in Humble TX. After considering other options, the patient is convinced that implants would be the best choice. With the work now completed, the patient can look forward to enjoying several key advantages. Here are a few examples.
A Natural-Looking Solution
There is no doubt that Implant Dentistry in Humble TX provides a result that looks like the real thing. Every cap that is placed on each implant will provide the appearance of a natural tooth. The same cannot be said for dental plates and the tell-tale line where the dentures fit over the gums. With implants that are embedded in the gums, no one will know the difference unless the patient chooses to tell them.
Simple to Maintain
With implants, there are no messy creams, no adhesives that can work loose, and no need to soak anything overnight. The patient will still get up in the morning and brush after breakfast, use mouthwash when desired, and visit the dentist for cleanings a couple of times each year. The only thing that will really change is no longer using floss. Dentists tend to discourage the use of floss since the implants do not have the natural barrier around the gum line that is found with real teeth.
No Need to Replace the Implants After a Few Years
With denture plates, the contour of the jaw will change over time. That leads to the need to have the denture plates altered and eventually abandoned in favor of a new set that fits the current shape of the upper and lower gums. Since the implants essentially occupy the same space as real teeth, the shift in the shape of the jaw doesn’t happen. Unless the caps are damaged at some point, there is no reason the implants cannot remain in place for decades.
For anyone who would like to know more about implants and find out if they are a possibility, contact Rowntree Richard D DDS today and schedule an examination. By the time the appointment is over, the patient will have a better idea of what to do next.