When you borrow money from any lender, you will have to agree to certain terms of repayment before you are given the money. The lender will take steps to ensure that they get their money back, or get something of value in return. Poor lending practices have rendered the US economy fairly unstable, and banks and lending institutions are tightening up regulations for those who hope to borrow money in order to recover money they have lost in the past. For those who need quick cash that they can repay quickly, consider a vehicle title loan in Mesa as a secured loan option when you need help.
Secured loans are those that offer something as collateral. For example, when you take out a vehicle title loan in Mesa, you will put your vehicle up against the money you are borrowing. In this case, if you fail to repay the loan, the lender will simply take possession of your car and sell the object to ensure that he or she gets their money back. Secured loans don’t require a credit check or major paperwork. All you need is a car with some equity and an extra set of keys to give to the lender. These loans are simple ways to get cash quickly, as most loans are processed within a day or two.
Unsecured loans are similar to traditional bank loans. These loans don’t have any type of collateral, or anything to “secure” them. Because of this, you will be charged an interest rate on top of the total amount of the loan. Banks and other lending institutions will determine your rate based on the likelihood that you would pay the loan back. This is where your credit score comes in. If you have a history of not paying bills and not meeting your obligations, you are not likely to get an unsecured loan from a bank. Typically, getting a loan from a bank also requires that you open a savings or checking account with that particular institution, which can be a time consuming hassle that you can’t deal with when you are in a crunch.
Both types of loans have advantages and disadvantages, and deciding which one is right for you should be done on a case-by-case basis. For those who own their cars, need quick cash, and plan to repay the loan quickly, a vehicle title loan Mesa is a great option. These loans are available to ensure that you don’t lose your possessions or get in trouble with your creditors when money gets tight and you have a valuable asset that you want to keep, such as a vehicle.