If you use equipment or materials which can expose you to radioactive substances, it’s important to protect yourself with the right kind of radiation shielding methods. In fact, exposure to radioactive material takes several factors into consideration. But what is radiation and how can you best protect yourself? Here is information to help you get a better understanding.
Ionizing Radiation
Any kind of energy that can travel through the air is radiation. This includes sunshine and heat. However, the dangerous kind that people need protection from is ionizing radiation. This kind of energy comes from unstable atoms. All atoms are either stable or unstable. Unstable atoms have unbalanced force. In other words, the nucleus can’t keep itself intact, and parts of the atom (protons and neutrons) may escape into the air. This happens with radioactive materials like uranium and cobalt.
Uranium and cobalt atoms constantly seek to balance themselves. As a result, they release a great deal of energy. This energy is hazardous to people and animals in high doses.
The Dangers of Exposure
You can’t see, hear, or smell radioactive energy. In fact, in some homes, radon gas is above normal levels, and this can make one sick. You need special equipment to detect dangerous radioactive materials, and this makes radiation shielding important.
Types of Energy
Radiation waves come in these forms:
- X-rays – short waves with high amounts of energy
- Ultraviolet – from the sun
- Alpha – dangerous, but the electromagnetic field of the planet deflects most of them.
- Beta – Easily shielded with plastic or thin metal
- Gamma – because these waves are photons, they have greater penetration power and are very dangerous.
- Neutron – produced during nuclear fission
Protection from x-rays and gamma rays is the most important reason for radiation shielding. Lead materials are some of the best things you can use for protection.