The Penalties You Receive When Charged With DUI

by | Sep 29, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firm

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The main penalty for a DUI charge is the suspension of your driver’s license and in some cases the judge may place guidelines on where you can drive once your license is reinstated. Another penalty you may receive for a DUI charge is imprisonment and possibly a fine for drinking and driving. Most insurance companies raise your insurance premiums upon learning that you have a DUI charge and in some instances you may lose your car for drinking and driving depending on the state you live in. You can possibly avoid these penalties by getting help from a DUI lawyer in Long Beach CA.

DUI Penalties Specific to California
If you get a DUI for the first time in California, it would not be considered a felony but a misdemeanor. You could still receive a jail sentence that could be from two days or up to six months. You would also be without a driver’s license for four months and you could pay a fine that ranges from $400 to $1000. If you receive continuous DUI charges, you may be required to enter a treatment program in addition to jail time, suspension of license and fines.

Community Service
In many states those charged with a DUI will have to complete community service and they can complete these hours on weekdays or weekends. In many instances the offender will have to take one or two days off from his paid employment in order to complete his service hours.

Loss of Car Insurance
Some people who are charged with a DUI may experience an increase in their insurance premium but others lose their insurance policy altogether. This is not good for the person charged with the DUI because even after he paid the penalties for his crime, it would be difficult for him to obtain insurance for a period of time due to the conviction.

What Takes Place in Court After DUI Charge
At the DUI hearing the judge will hear about the evidence against that could prove if you were driving while under the influence of alcohol. Then the arraignment process begins and you’ll be told what the charges are and the sentence for your crime if you are found guilty of those charges.

In conclusion, having a DUI charge hinders your privileges as a citizen but it’s not the worst thing to happen regarding crime. You’ll need to meet with your lawyer regularly to stay on top of the details in the case.

If you need a DUI lawyer in Long Beach CA you can contact the Law Offices of Christopher J. McCann. Visit the webiste or call 888-360-4-CJM.



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