A plumbing contractor is a very important person or company when the sewer line backs up. A back-up can be a minor problem both in its cause and in its effect. It may create only a small amount of sewage back-up, or it may be bad enough to flood the home with sewage. Think it doesn’t happen? Guess again because it happens too frequently. However, a plumbing contractor in Tucson will always know what to do.
It may be necessary to run a video camera down into the line to see what is causing the back-up. It is very likely that tree roots have attacked the line and busted into it. If you have clay or cast iron sewer lines you may have a serious problem because tree roots are attracted to the water that is slowly seeping out. The roots will actually burst into the line and form a clog which catches everything else that eventually tries to pass through. The result will be a back-up into the house.
If you do not have ABS or PVC piping, then the line should be dug up and replaced with plastic piping and cleanouts. This is a task that calls for trenching in the yard so the new line can be installed. However, once this line is in place it can be cleaned on a regular schedule if grease or other debris could be a problem. The Plumbing Contractor in Tucson is experienced in installing new sewer lines.
Your home may have small cleanouts under the sinks, but these are too small to snake large sewer cleanouts through them.
It is important to remember that tree roots will travel 100 feet to get water and these roots are very capable of finding the leaking sewer or a sewer line which has an opening for the roots to use to burst into the line.
Its possible the smaller lines could be a problem also having accumulated a lot of grease, hair and other debris. These should be snaked out to ensure that every possible cause of a sewer failure could be found and fixed. It is easy to clean out the smaller lines.
Take the proper precautions with your sewer line by having it cleaned regularly.