The Pros And Cons Of The Annual Physical Exam

by | Oct 28, 2015 | Health

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How important is an annual physical? Many people feel that it is not necessary for someone who believes they are healthy. Doctors and patients both have strong opinions as to whether everyone needs an annual physical.

Pros – Have an Annual Physical

• An annual physical allows people to develop a trusting, therapeutic relationship with their Family Physicians in Andover Kansas.

• Annual exams and lab tests provide an important baseline in addition to discovering hidden problems.

• Patients are encouraged to lead healthier lifestyles and discouraged from unhealthy choices.

• The exam allows the doctor to answer health and lifestyle questions.

• A patient’s medication regimens can be reviewed and changed if necessary.

• A Patient’s worry less about their health.

• Diagnostic screenings may find a problem that the patient is unaware of, such as cancer, diabetes or high blood pressure.

• Medical societies, such as the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecologists recommend regular checkups.

Cons – Skip the Annual Physical

• Some physicians feel that young, healthy people don’t need an annual exam, but should get one every few years.

• Two systematic reviews found that annual exams did not affect overall life expectancy.

• Money spent for annual physicals could be better used for treatment or research.

• Three of the Problems that could be Discovered during an Annual Physical

1. Chronic kidney disease

Kidney disease kills over 90,000 people every year. The only way to detect early stage kidney disease is with urinalysis and blood tests. Early detection is critical to stopping the disease from progressing to dialysis and death.

2. High Blood Pressure, the “Silent Killer”

High blood pressure often has no symptoms until the situation is critical. One study concluded that high blood pressure could be responsible for half of the heart attacks and one-fourth of all premature deaths. It is also linked to chronic kidney disease. When caught early, the patient can modify their lifestyle, essential in the treatment of high blood pressure.

3. Diabetes

Patients who are found to have pre-diabetic tendencies can modify their diets and lifestyles, essential for preventing full-blown diabetes.

People need to decide for themselves whether or not to have an annual physical. Family Physicians in Andover Kansas emphasize the importance of preventive care and knowing the patient’s medical history. Wichita Family Medicine Specialists LLC offers a wide range of medical services, including Well Child Care, Emergency Care and management of the patient’s health problems. Call them to schedule an appointment.

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