There are many pros to getting laser hair removal in Longmont. Ingrown hairs will cause skin irritation and pigment discoloration. Plucking and shaving also cause skin irritation. This can be embarrassing if it is in places where others can see it such as your face or arms. While shaving, waxing, and plucking remove hair, it is not permanent. Laser hair removal is one of the few options that allows permanent hair removal.
Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?
Laser hair removal uses the light of a laser to damage the hair follicle. It is a quick process that may cause mild pain. Specialists, such as those at J Marie Skin Studio, have cooling techniques such as gel and blasts of cold air to alleviate pain. Laser hair removal in Longmont should only be performed by a certified specialist. They will advise you on the level of pain you may experience. The level of pain is dependent on which body part you are seeking hair removal. Customers report more pain in sensitive areas such as skin near the nose and temples. Customers find the benefit of permanent hair removal outweighs the con of slight irritation during the removal process.
Will Laser Hair Removal Cause Scarring?
Laser hair removal does not cause scarring. It is one of the wonderful benefits of laser hair removal. Laser hair removal in Longmont will leave your skin smoother than before treatment. You will no longer have to pluck, shave, and wax the area. Depending on how thick your hair is, you may need multiple laser hair removal treatments. Laser hair removal does not leave any scars, bruises, or painful side effects.