The Right Criminal Lawyer in Rockwall, TX Can Have DWI Charges Dropped or Reduced

by | Aug 8, 2017 | Lawyers and Attorneys

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Like many states today and since some time ago, Texas is very serious about cutting down on driving while intoxicated within its borders. Drivers who take to the roads while impaired endanger themselves and others and take far too many lives each year.

Aggressive enforcement of the laws against DWI has therefore become the norm statewide. While this strict attitude regarding the problem undoubtedly helps make the roads safer, it also means that some drivers will find themselves becoming wrongly charged from time to time. Working with a criminal lawyer in Rockwall, TX when such a situation arises will always be advisable.

Stiff Penalties and Lasting Damage for Those Convicted of DWI

Depending on the nature of the particular charge, drivers can face an array of possible sanctions and fines. In every case, however, a driver who has been convicted of DWI in Texas will be required to pay thousands of dollars and submit to other forms of punishment.

Whether for a first conviction of an especially egregious kind or because of a past record, many DWI charges also lead to significant jail time. When any one of these possible punishments can cause plenty of lasting harm, making sure to minimize the damage will always be advisable.

Even When Things Look Bad, Attorneys Have Ways of Securing Relief for Their Clients

Some who find themselves being accused of DWI in the area adopt a fatalistic attitude, resigning themselves to simply accepting whatever punishments the charges might imply. In fact, however, a criminal lawyer in Rockwall, TX like one of those at the Law Office of Tim Hartley will quite often be able to improve things significantly for any client.

Visit the website of a practice that handles these types of matters, and it will become clear that even solid-seeming cases often include weaknesses that attorneys can attack. From the roadside tests for sobriety that police administer to procedural issues that can disqualify an entire case, lawyers regularly end up having DWI charges dropped for their clients.

As a result, it will almost always be worthwhile and helpful to seek out legal representation when such charges are leveled. Doing so can be the best way of avoiding what could otherwise be extremely damaging consequences. Click here for more information.

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