One of the things that many people do when they move into a new home is to plant a tree. They think about watching the tree grow as their family grows. The puppy buries bones under the tree. When the kids were little, they laughed and squealed as they held tight to the swing that used to be on that branch. The bark has almost covered it up, but the heart and initials they carved into the tree on an anniversary evening are still there. This tree isn’t just a tree, it’s almost a member of the family.
The tree isn’t that old in ‘tree years’, but that storm last week did some damage. That big branch is cracked, and a couple other branches are still in the yard. They really want to save the tree, but are afraid it might be too late. It’s time to call in an expert.
Trees add value and beauty to our property, but like other living things, sometimes they need help. An overgrown or damaged tree can also be dangerous; it’s impossible to predict exactly where it might fall. A professional tree service equipped with the necessary tools is often able to shape the tree, removing dead or dying branches and restoring an attractive appearance. If a large tree needs to be removed, especially if the tree is near any structures, it is very important to let the pros take it down. There is an art to having the tree fall exactly as planned.
Fox Valley Tree Care provide all types of tree services to both residential and commercial customers in Oshkosh WI. They offer emergency storm services to prevent any threatened tree damage. The crew will even get up on the roof to clear branches and debris. When trees are being choked by too much ball moss and mistletoe, they will clear that away. This company is also able to do lot and land clearing for new construction or any other purpose. Anyone needing professional Tree Service in Oshkosh WI, should call Fox Valley Tree Care for a free estimate on any size job.
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