The Role of a Pharmacist in Ledyard, Connecticut

by | Apr 14, 2015 | Health

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Regulated pharmacies have been a valuable part of civilized society for over a thousand years. Even prior to that, the ability to combine ingredients to create medications was highly respected. The pharmacy today is an important facet of the health care system in the United States, but it and the skills of the pharmacist who runs it are often not utilized as fully as they should be.

Far too often, the Pharmacist in Ledyard CT, is used by patients as a service that only passes out pills or makes suggestions regarding the best allergy medication. This is unfortunate because there is so much more that they can do.

Your pharmacist has a more detailed knowledge of the side effects, potential benefits of, and prices of medications than anyone else in the industry. They are a wonderful resource to use to discover what foods, supplements, or other medications may interact with your prescriptions. They can also help patients to know how each medication should be taken to improve its effectiveness.

They can help you to know whether or not a sudden health concerns may be a side effect of medication you are taking, and they can even discuss your symptoms and whether or not you feel the prescription is doing what it should be.

While they are not able to change or adjust your prescriptions on their own, they can give you advice about what to talk to your doctor about, or even contact your doctor for you, if something does not seem to be working. In many instances, they can also work with you to find similar products that may be less expensive under your insurance or suggest generic options.

Your Pharmacist in Ledyard CT, can also provide information and advice about over the counter medications and even medical equipment. They can give you instructions on how to take a blood pressure reading, use a glucose meter, and much more.

The next time you have a question about your medication, a brand of vitamins, or anything else about your general health and well-being, forget your usual online search and talk to your pharmacist instead. Then, you will know you can trust the information you are given.

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