The time is approaching for you to receive an eye examination to determine the health of your vision. If you are considering whether or not you should keep your appointment, you may want to consider the value of eye exams in Brookline MA. Many people fail to recognize the importance of receiving this health evaluation and they don’t realize that critical information can be gained from getting an examination. Choosing to keep your appointment and follow through with your eye examination can provide you with insight that is both important and educating.
A majority of the population does not understand the difference between a vision screening and an actual eye examination. Many of these people think that these two evaluations of vision are equal and thus cancel each other out. However, this information is false and it is important to understand the difference between the two. A vision screening is an informal test of your vision and is something you might receive before you are hired for a new job, or before you receive a new driver’s license. If you have recently had a vision screening, this does not mean you are exempt from needing an eye exam. Comprehensive eye exams in Brookline MA provide patients with detailed information regarding the health of their eyes, how their eyes work together, and the overall state of their vision. This kind of information cannot be derived from a simple vision screening test.
In addition to being able to receive comprehensive health information, receiving an eye exam is also a great prevention technique. A qualified optometrist can thoroughly inspect your eyes and detect signs of disease that you may not realize you had. Often, these doctors can use this information and compare it with your past medical history and the medical history of your family members. Using the knowledge derived from these sources, the doctor can provide you with ways in which you can maintain your vision and reduce your risks of receiving certain diseases.
Finally, eye exams in Brookline MA can provide you with educating information which you can use to maintain good vision health. Eye doctors are equipped with the knowledge to help their patients learn and understand the importance of vision health. If you have any questions regarding your vision, you can ask your doctor and feel confident that he can answer them for you.