Tips for Calming Your Child’s Fears Before a Visit to the Pediatric Dentist in Pequannock

by | Dec 21, 2013 | Dentistry

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Talking to kids about going to the dentist is very important, because they are going into an unknown that they have probably heard awful things about. Taking kids to the pediatric dentist in Peaquannock is something that has to be done for their teeth, oral health, and even their overall health as well. Sitting in a strange place with strange instruments all around is something that will scare even an adult. The best way to help your child overcome a fear of the dentist is to talk to them, and make them see that a visit to the Pediatric Dentist in Pequannock doesn’t have to be as bad as it’s been made out to be. Below you will find some tips on how to prepare your little one, and yourself, for a trip to the dentist.

The first thing you need to do is start young. Don’t wait until your child is in the first grade for their first trip to the dentist. The best time to take your child to the dentist for the first time is around one years of age. They will be so used to going to the dentist by the time they are old enough to be afraid that it won’t bother them. This also gives them a dental home, a place that they are comfortable going to every six months.

Keep explaining the dentist to your child simple. Don’t go into great detail about how a filling is done for example, and always keep a bright attitude about going to the dentist office. If you have a negative attitude, your child will pick up on it and will be nervous as well.

Watch your words when talking about the dentist. Words like pain, hurt, and shot can throw your child into a panic, and then you will have a terrified child on your hands before you ever get to the dentist office. Preparing your child for a dental visit doesn’t have to be hard. Make sure to follow the tips above, be calm yourself, and the visit will go well and be over for the next six months before you know it.

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