Tips for Dealing with Repair Issues Involving an Overhead Door in Saint Charles, MO

by | Feb 26, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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When your garage’s Overhead Door in Saint Charles MO, stops working, you will often find it can create many difficulties for you and your family. Since some member may only have access to the home through the garage, they may find it difficult to come and go from the home. In addition, when the garage door is not functioning, parking cars, bikes and other vehicles can be a bit more difficult. Because of these issues, it is generally best to call a repair person as soon as possible.

One of the first things a technician will need to do is determine where the problem with the door’s opening and closing is located. Often, the emergency release can be engaged and the technician can test if the door will open manually. If it does, the issue is most likely in the garage door opener. If the door still will not move, the problem is generally in the hardware of the door.

The technician will first want to inspect the cables and spring on the unit to ensure there is no sign of damage. If these parts are damaged, the technician will need to be very careful during the repair or replacement of these units. This is because these components keep the door elevated. If they are removed, the door can fall and this can be dangerous. A technician will need to have additional help or provide ways to support the Overhead Door in Saint Charles MO, during the repairs.

Other issues that can create problems can be centered on the door hardware. Most doors have rollers that fit into a track that has been placed around the entrance of the garage. If the wheels are broken or missing, the unit will not function correctly. These wheels will need to be replaced. In addition, the track should be examined for signs of damage. Sometimes, the damage can be corrected by a technician. However, if the problems are extensive, the tracks may need to be replaced.

Dealing with overhead door repair issues can be a stressful experience for many homeowners. By calling a professional to handle the problem, the issue will generally be taken care of quickly and efficiently. For more information, please contact The Birdsong Company.

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