Finding the right Independent Senior Living facility for a loved one can be confusing and just a little bit scary. While there are many options out there for upcoming aging baby boomers, independent living facilities seem to be the option that they choose most often. Most seniors prefer not to be a burden on their families and living in an independent facility gives them the freedom they need to be able to live the way that they are accustomed too.
Below you will find some tips on how to choose the right Independent Senior Living facility for your loved one and have the peace of mind of knowing that it is the right one and that your loved one will be happy living there.
Look for Extreme Clean
You want to make sure that any center you visit is extremely clean. This does not mean just looking around at the place; it means walking around the center and checking in corners. It also means using your nose to make sure that the clean odors in the place are not just there to mask other odors instead. If you smell a strong odor of pine-sol and an underlying odor of something else, then it is time to find another center for your loved one.
Visit When the Center is Most Active
You will want to visit when the center is at its most active. This is the best way to see how the staff interacts with the residents of the center. Visit when the residents are having lunch or when they are going about the community activities that should be scheduled on a daily basis. You will also want to see exactly what type of activities is planned for the residents. You do not want a center where they are sitting watching TV all day long.
These are just a few tips to help you find the right independent center for your elderly loved one. From finding a center that is very active to one that is very clean, you should be able to have peace of mind that your loved one is well cared for.