Today’s Broad Range of Books on Vegan Cooking From Cold Spring Harbor, NY

by | Jun 10, 2022 | Food

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Eating a vegan diet once seemed more strange and austere than it does in the 21st century. Even though the percentage of U.S. residents who identify as true vegans is small, the number has slowly grown over time. In addition, for various reasons, many people now choose to eat meatless meals much of the time. All of these individuals appreciate books about cooking from Cold Spring Harbor, NY focusing on plant-based recipes.

Relevant Statistics

The best estimate of true vegans in this country is about 1.62 million, according to survey results from VeganBits. Yet it’s difficult to determine any precise numbers regarding how many people only eat plant foods. Surveys show conflicting numbers, and pollsters hear contradictory information when asking certain questions.

For instance, someone identifying in a survey as vegan might admit to eating cheese and butter now and then if asked directly. That eating style is better described as vegetarian. Nevertheless, this person greatly appreciates the variety of vegan recipe cook books from Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

A Broad Range

Vegetarians and vegans who began this lifestyle several decades ago remember the scarcity of cookbooks dedicated to these recipes. Now, they can find recipe cook books from Cold Spring Harbor, NY focusing on cuisine from other countries and particular cooking styles.

For instance, a supplier of books about cooking from Cold Spring Harbor, NY could have one focusing entirely on Korean vegan recipes. Consumers might find publications packed with African and Cajun-style meal plans with no animal products.

Anyone wanting more delicious plant-based recipes and other ideas as well may visit Books About Food at

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