The duty belt is more than just a decorative item on the uniform. It is an essential component that holds the holster, the mag pouch, cuff case, key holder and a range of other accessories from flashlight holders to radio pouches.
One of the most popular options in this essential component of the uniform is the basket weave duty belt. These are sold by the company Safariland, which is a specialized company that provides gear, body armor, body cameras, communication systems and forensic equipment to law enforcement agencies.
The basket weave duty belt that matches the various accessories is sold in two colors. This includes the Cordovan brown, which is most commonly worn by sheriff’s departments and other law enforcement offices and departments using a brown uniform. The other option is a black, which is a great option for matching with blue, black or brown uniforms.
Quality and Durability
The basket weave look, on the duty belt and accessories is more than just a decorative feature. It is a crosshatch or woven-look pattern that is ideal for reducing the visibility of even slight scuffs and scratches on the surface.
These belts and accessories are very long lasting. Most officers will only need to purchase one duty belt throughout their career. Just a quick wipe with a cloth is all that is needed to remove dirt on the surface, and the dark color and the pattern is very resistant to staining.
Features and Options in Accessories
The best option about all of the accessories offered by Safariland to match their basket weave duty belt options is that there are a number of different options for each accessory. This allows the officer to choose which is the correct size for his or her specific weapon and accessory needs.
Finally, the options available at Safariland with their basketweave accessories and duty belts make this an ideal consideration for any officer or law enforcement agency to consider.