Types Of Commercial Roofing in Topeka, KS

by | Dec 18, 2019 | Roofing

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It’s probably your first commercial building project, and you want to make an informed decision about one of the essential components of the structure: Its roofing system. In this piece, we will discuss one of the most common commercial roofing in Topeka, KS options you are likely to come across.

Metal roofing

Metal roofs aren’t uncommon, especially in industrial settings. The most affordable and commonly available types of metal roofs are the corrugated galvanized steel materials. If you are looking for a lightweight, durable, and convenient type of commercial roofing in Topeka, KS, metal roofing is your best bet.

Built-up roofing

These roofing systems have been around for more than a century, mainly for commercial purposes. They are basically made of tar and gravel, which are placed in layers alternating them with supporting fabric or asphalt. Built-up roofing systems are durable and low maintenance, making them a perfect application for commercial roofing in Topeka, KS.

Thermoplastic roof membrane

Also known as Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO), they are lightweight, high-temperature tolerance, resistance to UV light, chemicals and tears, and provide excellent protection against harsh weather conditions. These types of roofs have an average lifespan of more than twenty years. They make outstanding roofing systems for restaurants and other ventures that require immense oil emission.

Choosing the perfect commercial roofing system can be daunting. Reach us for more expert advice and guidance. Visit us to read more about roofing systems and services to expect during your research period.

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