Types Of Oral Surgery In Effingham, IL

by | Jun 7, 2018 | Dental Care

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In Illinois, oral surgeries are performed to correct a variety of conditions that produce pain and aesthetic problems for patients. The procedures include root canals, dental implantations, and the installation of crowns. The surgeries offer correction of damage and the elimination of severe pain. An Oral Surgery in Effingham IL could present a better solution to common issues.

Root Canal Surgeries

Root canal surgeries are performed to minimize the effects of a severely damaged tooth. Typically, patients visit their dentist when the tooth produces pain and discomfort. The procedure involves drilling into the top of the tooth and creating an opening. The surgeon cuts out the tooth nerve and pulp. Next, the tooth is cleaned and a filling is injected into the tooth cavity. The tooth is sealed and protected by a crown.

Dental Implantation Surgery

Dental implantation surgery is used to replace single teeth or sections of the teeth. The procedure starts with the installation of a titanium root. The root is inserted into the tooth socket and secured into the jawbone. The next step is to connect the implant crown to the titanium root. When installing several implants at once, the surgeon uses a plate and connects it with several roots in the jawbone.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removals

An impacted wisdom tooth could present dangerous circumstances for the patient. The condition also produces serious pain and discomfort for the patient. The surgeon sedates the patient prior to the procedure and provides painkillers and antibiotics afterward.

Installing Crowns for Added Protection

A crown is an exact replica of the affected tooth. The oral surgeon grinds the tooth down into a cone shape to achieve a better fit for the crown. Next, the crown is fitted over the tooth with an abutment and professional-grade adhesives.

In Illinois, oral surgeries correct tooth damage, alleviate pain and discomfort, and replace missing teeth. Surgeons also remove impacted wisdom teeth that could lead to a life-threatening infection. Dentists often refer their patients to an oral surgeon to provide more comprehensive care. Patients that need an appointment for Oral Surgery in Effingham IL can contact The Center For Jaw and Facial Surgery P.C. right now.

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