Understanding the Value of Hospice Benefits for a Loved One

by | Aug 24, 2015 | Home Health Care Service

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While many people enjoy excellent health up to the day they pass away, others are not so fortunate. When a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal illness and it is only a matter of time, the focus is on providing the most comfort and care possible. With the right combination of hospice benefits, it is possible to achieve that goal. Here are some of the benefits that will come with this type of support.

Regular Visits by a Medical Professional
Expect a registered nurse to check on the patient on a regular basis. Depending on the condition of the loved one, the checks may be daily. The goal is to make sure the patient receives the medication to remain as comfortable as possible and to check on wound dressings and other specifics. This can help lighten the load of the person who is serving as the primary caregiver for the patient and also ensure there is always someone to call if the patient takes a sudden turn for the worse.

Continuous Home Care
In some instances, the ability of family and other loved ones to live in the home and provide basic care is not possible. It helps to know that hospice benefits include providing someone who can be with the patient around the clock. This can be managed with a live-in situation, or the hospice may provide multiple staff who work in shifts. This type of care is not unusual as the patient begins to become less mobile and requires help with most tasks.

Inpatient Care
As the time draws closer, it may no longer be possible to provide care in the home. At this juncture, the patient will be moved to a hospice center for around the clock monitoring. As in the other stages of hospice care, the focus is on making the patient as comfortable as possible.

For anyone who needs to provide hospice care for a loved one, take the time to find out what is available now. By working with a local hospice to determine the level of support needed, it will be possible to design a strategy that is in the best interests of the patient.


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