Children catch a multitude of upper respiratory viruses each year. Sore throats, runny noses, and earaches are common symptoms. After a few days, most children recover and return to their normal activities. In some cases, however, a seemingly simple infection may not get better. Others may appear to catch the same virus over and over again. In these instances, a trip to an ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT), such as those found at our website, may be needed. An ENT can determine if an underlying factor is a cause for frequent infections.
One of the most common causes of recurring sore throats and congestion is enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Both are made up of soft tissue and are part of the lymphatic system. The tonsils act as a first line of defense against germs that enter through the mouth while the adenoids protect the body from substances that enter through the nose. Infected tonsils or adenoids may cause difficulty when breathing, speaking, or swallowing. Earaches and snoring are also common symptoms of enlarged glands.
Most doctors take a conservative approach to treating infections of the tonsils or adenoids. Antibiotics are the first choice. For many kids, a round of strong antibiotics will cure the symptoms. Others, however, may still continue to have repeat infections. In these instances, tonsil and Adenoid Removal may be warranted. During this procedure, the ENT surgeon will remove the lymphatic glands while the child is under general anesthesia. No incisions are made since both glands are easily reached through the mouth. Recovery is usually quick, and many kids leave the hospital the same day. Mild sore throats and a dry cough are common while the body heals from the surgery.
If your child suffers from frequent infections, including earaches and tonsillitis, an appointment with an ENT should be made to rule out any underlying causes. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are common in school-aged children. If your child has enlarged glands, then choosing tonsil and Adenoid Removal surgery may be the best option. It is one of the most common surgical procedures performed on children. After removal of these glands, most patients find they get sick less frequently than before.
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