If you’ve ever had an incident at work that left you injured or a situation that resulted in an illness, you know how difficult it is to file for and obtain workers comp. Marlton legal associates know that the average person needs a great deal of support through this type of legal process – it’s not something that can be handled without someone who has the relevant professional knowledge and experience. Some people may choose not to file simply because they think the process will be too long and difficult, but that’s where a professional can help. Here is a quick guide for beginning to understand worker’s compensation.
Can I get worker’s compensation for that?
The first step to understanding workers comp claims is figuring out what qualifies for compensation and what doesn’t qualify. The rule of thumb is that any injury or illness sustained while completing normal work duties should be supported by a worker’s compensation claim. If you weren’t at work, or if you were “off-duty” when the incident occurred, it probably doesn’t count. But what about those gray areas in between? This is where an attorney who regularly handles worker’s compensation claims can help. The lawyers of workers comp Marlton are trained to get into the fine details of your case, and figure out whether or not you have a case in the first place.
What will I have to do?
If you choose the right firm to represent you, you shouldn’t have to do much work yourself. Workers comp legal associates will take care of everything from explaining fees and completing paperwork to setting up meeting times and determining the final settlement amount you deserve. They know you have enough on your plate without having to think about the little details. And having a professional do all this for you will ensure that everything gets done the right way the first time around. As long as you can tell your story, the lawyer should deal with practically everything else.