Update Your Home Safety With A Carbon Monoxide Detector

by | May 8, 2015 | Heating & Air Conditioning

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Update your Home Safety with Carbon Monoxide Detector. It is important that you are aware of carbon monoxide in your home. Carbon Monoxide is a dangerous gas which can make you ill and cause death. Carbon monoxide can enter your home from the garage, outside parking lot, gas fireplaces, gas stoves or gas water heaters. If your heat exchanger is broken in your furnace, your furnace will continue to operate but will release carbon monoxide into the air.

The main reason you need Home Safety with Carbon Monoxide Detector is because even low levels carbon dioxide can make you nauseated and give you difficulty breathing. At high levels, you can lose consciousness. This is why having your furnace checked yearly for any cracks in the heat exchanger is incredibly important. Gas stoves and hot water tanks can also produce a great deal of carbon monoxide if they are not working efficiently. The combustion of the gas increases and creates the carbon monoxide.

Wood stoves can also create carbon monoxide if they are not operating normally. If the flue is blocked or the material is not burning properly, the carbon monoxide can be leaked back into your home make you and your family ill. Proper venting for gas stoves, hot water tanks and furnaces is crucial to release the carbon monoxide released by these appliances. Carbon monoxide is odourless, and you will not have any idea you are being poisoned by it until you become ill.

Gas dryers can also produce carbon monoxide. This happens when the venting is not adequate or becomes blocked. The higher the level of carbon monoxide in your home, the more severe the symptoms will become. These can be vomiting, dizziness, loss of coordination and mental confusion. You may feel like you have the flu but feel better once you leave your home.

Don’t let your health and safety up to chance. You should have carbon monoxide detectors installed on every level of your home. These detectors can alert you to an unhealthy rise of carbon monoxide in your home. These detectors could mean the difference of life of death if your levels become dangerously high.

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