Using Herbicides with Triclopyr Is Smart for Numerous Reasons

by | Apr 22, 2024 | Agricultural service

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A good herbicide is something both homeowners and commercial property owners use to keep weeds away so their lawns stay lush and green for a very long time. If you try the herbicides with Triclopyr in them, keep in mind that this component doesn’t kill all weeds.

Triclopyr kills lots of different types of weeds and grasses, including docks, woody plants, nettles, and brambles, including broadleaf plants and others. If you’re unsure about using these herbicides and what they will and will not kill, make sure that you read all of the literature included with the product before you buy it.

A Versatile Product

While Triclopyr doesn’t kill everything in your yard, it does kill a lot of different weeds and grasses, which is why you’ll find so many types of herbicides with this ingredient in them. The Triclopyr 4 herbicide kills clover, Bermuda grass, sweet gum, wild violet, poison ivy oak, and sumac, among others. In most cases, the product is sold as a concentrate and all you do is add water to get the dosage you need, so it’s a very reasonably priced product.

For Both Personal and Commercial Use

Some of the many uses for herbicides with Triclopyr in them include not just lots of land but also fence rows, railroads, rights-of-way, and even golf courses and commercial turf. With this product, singling out unwanted weeds and trees near fence lines and other areas is much simpler, and even a small bottle is usually enough to cover a large piece of land.

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