Are you on the hunt for eco-friendly cleaning products? If so, you may have heard a few green cleaning myths, including the one that states that vinegar can be used for cleaning any and everything. While there is quite a bit you can do with vinegar, it isn’t the supernatural home cleaner that some people think it is. While it can cut through grease and grime, you may need to combine it with other natural materials to get a product that really cleans and disinfects as well as the chemical options you purchase at the store.
What can Vinegar Do?
Don’t misunderstand. Vinegar is one of the great eco-friendly cleaning products and makes a great ingredient to include. It is effective at reducing microbial contamination, but not as effective at removing actual soil. In fact, a recent study published in the Journal of Environmental Health discovered that even water was more effective at removing soil than vinegar.
How to Use Vinegar and Vinegar Based Cleaning Products?
If you are thinking about adding vinegar based eco-friendly cleaning products to your cleaning arsenal, then you may wonder how to use them best and where they will be most effective. Vinegar is great for wiping down and cleaning various non-porous surfaces in your house. It can be added to your mop water and even used as a method of stain treatment in the laundry room. You can use vinegar to clean and deodorize trashcans, to wipe down the walls in your home and as a fabric softener.
As you can see, there are more than a few users for vinegar; however, it may not be that all-powerful cleaner you thought it was in the past. If you find a product with vinegar in the ingredient list, then you can feel confident you are picking a powerful cleaner.