When an individual is searching for a new car, they take the time required to find the right automobile for them. From good gas mileage to safety features, there are various aspects they consider when selecting an automobile. Once the individual finally selects a car, they will invest a large sum of money to acquire a dependable vehicle. Unfortunately, some autos are defective and do not operate correctly and make it a huge inconvenience on the owner when the car cannot be repaired. To help protect auto owners from feeling the impact of a defective auto, laws have been established that require manufacturers to repair the problem or find an alternative solution. If you suspect an automobile you recently purchased is a lemon, you should consult with a lemon law attorney near Washington to help determine if you have a claim against the manufacturer.
Requirements for an Auto to be Deemed a Lemon
* They can be any new or used automobile that was leased or purchased within the state of Washington.
* The auto must be intended for use on public roads and must weigh under 19,000 lbs.
* The problem with the automobile must be specified in the manufactures warranty as a part that is covered under the guarantee.
* For an auto to be considered a lemon, the owner must give the manufacturer a reasonable amount of time and attempts to fix the issue. Such as four repairs for a non-safety flaw and two attempts for safety defects.
* When the vehicle has been out of service for a minimum of 30 days, it can be considered a lemon, especially if 15 of those days are while the warranty is effective.
Obtain the Legal Advice You Need from a Trusted Law Firm
When searching for a lemon law attorney near Washington, you should consider Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center®. They have provided their clients with reliable legal advice since 1995 and will aggressively fight for clients’ rights to be compensated for a defective automobile.