Hard water is a problem for many homeowners. It’s not obvious from handling or drinking the water if it’s hard or not. However when they try to take a shower, people with hard water find that their soap and shampoo won’t lather. As they do their laundry, their clothes never come out sparkling clean. Hard water is a chemical condition where the water has too much calcium or magnesium in it. This creates microscopic granules that can wear away the fibers on clothes or even erode pipes in the home. EcoWater Systems is a company that has been helping customers deal with hard water for decades.
When the water enters the home it goes through a holding tank and Water Filters in Ocala, FL to remove the excess calcium and magnesium. The result is softer water that is much more effective for cleaning. It is also easier on clothing and plumbing. Resin beads are coated with potassium or sodium. These chemicals bind with the calcium and magnesium and pull them out of the water. Homeowners need to replace the resin beads on a regular basis.
Residents can also be concerned about water pollution and the impact that it may have on their family’s health. If that’s the case, they can hire EcoWater Systems to test their home’s water quality. Even if they are on municipal water and the water facility is tested on a regular basis, many things can affect water quality as it passes through many miles of public pipes. If the homeowner gets their water from a private well, they will want to test the water at the well and after it has entered the home.
Water Filters in Ocala, FL can filter out the chlorine from a public drinking water supply or they can take unpleasant minerals out of the well water. While these may not harm anyone’s health, they make it unpleasant to drink the water. Using water filters can also protect the family if unwanted chemicals or bacteria enter the system. There may be a short time period, before the public is informed. With the filters in place the contamination could be minimized in the home’s drinking water.