Water Fountain Repair in New York City: Possible Issues

by | Jul 3, 2017 | Business

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Water fountains look incredibly beautiful in a garden or the courtyard, and can also be used as an indoor feature. If you have a big, spacious house and are looking for a central feature in the main lounge, getting a water fountain installed is a fantastic idea. However, while they look extremely good, water fountains are not very simple to maintain. Issues with the fountain can arise from time to time, at which time you will need to call a professional for water fountain repair in New York City. Here are some possible problems that can arise with your water fountain.

Leakage in the Fountain

The water is generally pumped through the surface up the fountain. However, if there is a crack or leakage in the lining, water will start seeping into the ground. This is one of the major issues that necessitates water fountain repair, and if you notice a visible crack in your fountain, it’s best to call a professional company such as Aquarius Aquariums for repairs. The water can leak and settle into deposits deep under the ground, and can also cause damage to the foundation of your property.

Pumping Issues

If the fountain’s pump stops working properly, your water fountain will begin to lose pressure, and will ultimately stop working. This can be caused due to a variety of issues, such as a buildup of silt in the pipes. Again, because of the intricate piping network that is used in water pumps, it is highly recommended that you call a professional to handle the repair work. Ideally, you should call a water fountain repair company for a preliminary inspection at least once during the course of each year to have maintenance work performed and thus avoid having any major problems with the water fountain.

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