When a person moves into a new region, they may be surprised that their shampoo no longer lathers. They may also notice that their clothes don’t come out of the wash as bright as they used to. These are symptoms of hard water. That diagnosis may surprise someone, because their water feels no different than any other water. Hard water refers to the amount of calcium or magnesium in the water. It’s the high level of these substances that prevents soap from creating suds. Calcium and magnesium molecules are also very abrasive. Over time they will damage glassware and even the fibers in clothing. Water Treatment in Leesburg FL can soften water and filter out any unwanted chemicals.
If a home owner suspects that they have hard water, they can hire a water treatment company to evaluate their water. It might be a good time to have them look at the overall quality of the water. If they find high levels of harmful chemicals in the water, they can suggest a filter system for those as well. Hard water can be transformed into normal water by using chemicals to pull the calcium and magnesium out of the water. Both potassium and sodium will bind with calcium and magnesium.
Companies that specialize in water treatment service in Lees burg will add a holding tank to the plumbing system. Usually this is located near the pipe that brings water into the home. Resin beads that are coated with potassium and sodium are put in the tank. As the hard water come into the tank, the calcium and magnesium attach to the beads.
The water becomes softer and passes into the home. There is a limit to the amount of calcium and magnesium that the resin beads can absorb. After a certain amount of time that is determined by the amount of water the household uses, the tank needs to be treated with salt brine. This rejuvenates the beads and they can treat more water. Eco Water Systems is one of the Florida companies that provide these services. Home owners that want to have softer and cleaner water can contact them.
For more information, visit EcoWater Systems