Whether you’re looking for a place to take in some free live entertainment or someplace local that serves delicious American cuisine, we have something everyone can enjoy. From the best hamburgers in Branson MO to delicious soda-jerk-style desserts like malt and milkshakes to pies and cobblers a la mode, you can find all the most famous American dishes right here. Visit our website to find out more about what there is to eat and watch while you’re here.
Burgers, fries, and live entertainment
The most significant appeal to our restaurant is that you can enjoy a full course meal while you listen to live music or watch one of our two exclusive dinner shows. While you’re enjoying one of the best hamburgers in Branson MO that you’ll ever eat, you can view our George Strait tribute show with Debbie and Gordy, or the Absolutely Country Definitely Gospel performance starring Faith’s Journey.
Free Entertainment Options
If you missed one of our dinner shows, you can still enjoy free live entertainment every day of the week from one of our rotating musical guests who grace our stage with anything from the oldies to modern country and more. Visit our website to find out more about our exclusive dinner shows and the live performance events we host.
Contact us to learn everything there is to know about our live entertainment and the delicious American fare on our menu.