What Are The Advantages Of Residential Solar Panels in Palm Coast, FL?

by | Apr 16, 2020 | Energy

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In Florida, residential property owners obtain renewable energy by installing solar panels. The systems generate electricity from the solar power that is absorbed from the sun. The installations help owners lower common expenses associated with energy consumption. A local contractor can install Residential Solar Panels in Palm Coast, FL and explain the benefits of the systems.


Receiving Tax Credits

The Solar Renewable Credits are provided to help families obtain solar panels for their homes. The program provides about thirty percent of the price for the installation and equipment initially. However, the tax credits are received after the owner files their taxes only. The federal tax credit provides a discount that could take around $7,000 off the total installation.

Select states provide tax credits as well. The program helps low-income families receive solar panel installations. The state-level programs could provide discounts up to fifty percent of the total cost.

An Obvious Savings on Energy Costs

The systems absorb solar energy throughout the day to generate power for the property. Properties that receive higher volumes of sunlight could generate a higher level of energy from the sun. Areas that are overcast or cloudy could receive up to five hours worth of power each day. Property owners who live in areas in which sunlight exposure is typically higher could eliminate the need for local utilities to power their home.

Increasing the Resale Value of the Property

The resale value of the property increases after a solar panel system has been installed. The average increase is based on a rate of $5,900 per kilowatt. The installations present the new owner with immediate energy efficiency. The systems also provide a stronger barrier to protection for the roofing installation.

The Environmental Benefits

The solar panels lower the release of greenhouse gas emissions. Homeowners who choose the systems can become independent from fossil fuels. The systems present a finite resource for energy that can power a residential property efficiently.

In Florida, solar panels generate solar power and provide enough electricity to power the home. The installations could replace fossil fuel power sources and reduce harmful gases from the environment. Property owners who want to learn more about Residential Solar Panels in Palm Coast, FL can contact Solar-Fit for more information today.

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