What Can You Expect at Your Teeth Whitening in Woodbury Appointment?

by | Oct 23, 2013 | Dentistry

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If you take proper care of your teeth, making sure to brush and floss each day, you can keep your teeth healthy. Many people mistakenly believe this can keep the stains away. Though brushing does help to keep some stains from setting in, it does not help with certain discolorations. As you age, the mineral makeup of your teeth begins to change. This is why your baby teeth appear much whiter than your adult teeth do. As this mineral makeup changes, your teeth will begin to become more yellow. The older you get, the more porous your enamel becomes, allowing food particles and other substances to penetrate your teeth and stain the dentin. When this occurs, the staining becomes impossible to remove, unless you receive Teeth Whitening in Woodbury, through your dentist office.

When you first arrive for a consulation for Teeth Whitening in Woodbury, you will need to talk with the dentist and have an examination. The dentist will discuss your degree of staining and ask you questions about your lifestyle and the foods you consume. This will allow the dentist to make the decision on which whitening treatment will best benefit your smile. Visit their site

Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments

Hydrogen Peroxide — This whitening treatment can only restore your teeth to their natural whiteness. It is effective in removing deep stains, but it will not fully change the color of your natural teeth. For many people, this treatment is the chosen method of whitening the teeth and improving the smile.

*   Bleaching — The bleaching process removes the deepest of stains and can whiten your teeth to a much whiter shade than even your own natural color. For those who want Hollywood white teeth, bleaching is often the answer.

Bonding — If your teeth are extremely stained and Teeth Whitening in Woodbury treatments are not removing the discoloration, you can have your teeth bonded. This bonding treatment puts a tooth-colored resin over your teeth and the resin is hardened using a special light. This dramatically improves the look of your teeth instantly.

If you are interested in learning how teeth whitening treatments can improve your smile, contact Cross Keys Family Dental today. They can help you to dramatically improve the look of your smile. This Family Dentist has all of the treatment options you need for the health of your teeth and gums.


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