What Does a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona, Do?

by | Mar 22, 2024 | Legal Service

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When a person experiences a catastrophic injury, it can be emotionally and physically overwhelming. Understandably, a person’s priority is to recover physically. The last thing that they want to think about is the legal side of getting compensation for their injuries. This is where a catastrophic injury lawyer in Phoenix, AZ comes into play.

A catastrophic injury lawyer in Phoenix, AZ can evaluate a person’s case, collect evidence, and work with the insurer to seek a settlement that is fair and covers the real financial hardships a person will face as a result of their injury. If the case must go to trial, the attorney is there to fight for their clients to ensure that they recover total compensation for all losses.

Catastrophic injury attorneys understand the severity of the injuries their clients face and how difficult the road to recovery can be. They also understand the damages that can potentially be recovered, and they have the skill and experience to identify all of the parties potentially responsible for the injury.

One of the first things a catastrophic injury attorney does is evaluate their client’s case and advise them on the claim’s validity. This is done by launching investigations to determine negligence and liability. From there, attorneys will work with witnesses and police to collect reports and other evidence that backs the validity of your case.

Examples of catastrophic injuries attorneys handle could include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, loss of limbs, burns, permanent disfigurement, or permanent impairment of function. They aim to seek financial compensation to help make their clients whole again.

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