What Does a Hardware Store in NYC Sell?

by | Jun 10, 2014 | Hardware and Software

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In an age of big box retailers, the idea of shopping at a Hardware Store in NYC may seem a little quaint. After all, the selection at this type of establishment could not possibly be as varied as the offerings found at a larger chain. In fact, the hardware store of today has a lot to offer.

Everything Needed for Home Improvement

When it comes to one stop shopping for home improvement projects, it is hard to beat the selections at the typical Hardware Store in NYC. There is interior and exterior paint suitable for any type of surface. Supplies like brushes, drop cloths, and ladders are readily available. To add some special touches to a room, there is plenty of options for crown molding, and all sorts of stains to help bring out the beauty of wood floors and cabinetry.

Fixtures are also readily found at a hardware store. Overhead lighting and everything needed to update the home’s electrical system is on display. The customer can even purchase medallions that help to add a bit of visual detail to those overhead lights. In terms of plumbing fixtures, the store will carry all sorts of faucets, shower heads, and plumbing supplies.

Plenty of Lawn and Garden Supplies

The store will also have a nice selection of items that are ideal for use outside the home. This includes rakes, shovels, and hoes to help with the gardening. Seeds and young plants are often found at stores of this type. Fertilizers, edging tools, and even cages that can be used for tomato vines and pole beans are available in different sizes.

Don’t forget the nice selection of planters for flowers, shrubs, or even vegetables. Customers do not have to own homes in order to find things they could use at this type of retail establishment. Even apartment dwellers who happen to have porches or balconies can invest in a few pots, buy some seeds, and try their hands at growing a few plants.

The bottom line is that hardware stores have a lot to offer. Best of all, the prices are often competitive with the larger chain stores. One quick trip and it will be easy to get everything needed to start that next home project.

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