What does a social security lawyer actually do?

by | Apr 9, 2013 | law

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Social security is a United States Federal government program. Social security provides a payment every month for those people who are retired and for those people who are disabled and cannot work. The person can be physically or mentally disabled.

Social security lawyers in Idaho Falls have full knowledge of all the intricate points of social security law and understand all the rules, they know the process of making application and can advise people on the application process. These lawyers in Idaho Falls usually work with people who have been denied benefits, which are a very high percentage, something like 65% denial.

Unlike most lawyers, social security and disability lawyers in Idaho Falls do not get any up-front fee; they are paid a fee after the successful reversal of the denial. This is called contingency. When you hire the lawyer, you agree in writing to allow the SSA to pay the lawyers fee from the award. There are specific amounts that are allowed by the SSS, the maximum legal fee is 25% of the past-due benefits that SSS award you, up to a maximum of $6,000.

To receive benefits, the claimant must prove to the SSS beyond reasonable doubt that they are to severely disabled to do any work of substance. After an exhaustive process, which includes a full review of the claimants past work history and medical history, a decision is made. Either the claim is agreed and payments made or the claim is denied. When making the application the lawyer can help as he knows exactly what the administration needs and he can help the claimant prove his disability.

Denial of benefits:
Lawyers in Idaho Falls can help with the application for either SSDI or SSI as they are trained in the intricacies of the process, however, most often they are called upon to help those applicants who are convinced they meets the acceptance criteria, but their claim is denied.

The lawyer will prepare a request for review of either the SS administration or an administrative judge. The lawyer will plead the applicant’s case, arguing the case by providing detailed evidence of the mental or physical disability. In many cases, an expert in occupational understanding may be called upon to give his opinion of which attributes are required to perform and job and a medical expert may be called in to assess the applicant and testify to the applicant’s ability to meet the criteria.

If the judge turns down the claim, the lawyer can approach the SS appeals council on behalf of his client, the council will review the claim, the evidence and the findings of the judge. During this review process, neither the claimant nor the lawyers in Idaho Falls can be in attendance.

The Maeser Law Office is lawyers in Idaho Falls that represent clients who need assistance with social security, disability, workers comp and personal injury claims.

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