What Does an Implant Dentist in Port St. Lucie Do?

by | Oct 27, 2016 | Dental Care

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Dental implants are relatively recent inventions that have dramatically improved the efficiency and ease of performing partial and full mouth reconstructions. All dental implants are composed of three main pieces: the crown, the abutment, and the implant itself. Often, dental prostheses such as bridges and dentures are anchored to the abutment after the initial recovery period. An Implant Dentist in Port St. Lucie can help patients decide whether one or multiple dental implants are a suitable solution for their reconstructive needs.

The implant is surgically inserted into the jaw. This is accomplished via the process of osseointegration, in which the material composing the implant naturally becomes bonded to the existing bone. Patients must heal from this initial surgery prior to placement of abutments and crowns.

The abutment is typically attached to the implant via either dental cement or screws. When dental prostheses are attached to this abutment, it is often done with an adapter to facilitate easy removal and secure replacement if ever needed. Depending on whether or not the need for additional prostheses is anticipated, the crown can either be attached to the abutment permanently with dental cement or fused to it prior to insertion to create one simple, but permanent, piece.

Not all patients are ideal candidates for implant surgery, as its success depends on the overall health of the patient as well as the localized presence of healthy tissue. In cases where the soft tissue or bone in the immediate area are deficient, they must be reconstructed prior to placing the implant. This can be accomplished via bone grafting, if a lack of healthy hard tissue is posing a problem, or gingiva reconstruction to restore surrounding soft tissue to a healthy state. The health of these tissues will help to determine the ultimate success or failure of the implant. Successfully integrated and properly maintained implants have a long-term life expectancy of 10-15 years.

When choosing an Implant Dentist in Port St. Lucie, it’s important to note that not all dentists are qualified to perform this complicated surgical procedure. Click Here to find out about a local dentist’s office with the experience and equipment necessary to utilize this technology.

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