What Does Caring for All on 4 Implants Involve?

by | Apr 26, 2019 | Dental Care

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You need to make a decision about how to replace your remaining natural teeth. Dentures don’t hold much appeal, but they do offer the benefit of being a relatively fast solution. Someone suggested that you look into the idea of All On 4 dental implants in Chicago. What would it take to care for them properly? It’s a lot easier than you think.

Brushing After Meals

Brushing after meals is the foundation for your daily hygiene care. The nice thing about this particular solution is that it requires nothing that you don’t already use. You’ll use a toothbrush with toothpaste just as you have for years. If you have some type of water pulsating irrigator, that can be used as well.

Using Mouthwash At Least Daily

If you select All On 4 dental implants in Chicago, it’s fine to keep using mouthwash once a day. The product will not harm the implants or the attached plates. What it will do is remove more bacteria from the mouth. Along with making your breath fresh, the mouthwash is helping to prevent gum infections that could undermine your dental health.

Keep Seeing Your Dentist

While it’s true that the All On 4 dental implants in Chicago aren’t real teeth, you still need to see the dentist a few times each year. At a minimum, you want to come in for an annual exam. You also should come in to have the plates professionally cleaned twice a year. This combination helps to ensure gum health, allows the dental team to check for any signs of wear on the plates, and also allows you to undergo testing for oral cancer.

Do you have more questions about All on 4 implants? Our team at Chicago Dental Arts has the answers. Call today or visit https://www.chicagodentalarts.com to schedule an appointment. We’ll work with you to identify the solution that’s right for you.

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