“Holistic” is a term that describes the dealing with the whole of something. When a doctor practices holistic medicine in Jacksonville, FL, they try to treat the entire person. They don’t just focus on the physical ailment that the person has. They see how a person’s emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being affects their overall health.
For example, if a patient visits a doctor who practices holistic medicine in Jacksonville, FL and complains that they have a stomach ache, the doctor is not only going to focus on relieving the patient of their pain. They will also try to identify the underlying causes of the pain. They will look at the stress levels in the patient’s life, evaluate their diet, and look at their living conditions, all with the goal of providing treatment that addresses the root cause of the infirmity.
Any doctor who has a medical degree can also practice holistic medicine. That being said, not all who practice holistic medicine are board-certified physicians.
The core of holistic medicine is the idea of addressing the mind-body connection. Essentially, a person’s thoughts and feelings can either positively or negatively impact their physical health. The majority of modern medicine focuses on the physical. Encouraging people to get enough sleep, eat right, and exercise. But even if a person does all of these things and they have anxiety, stress, and depression, their health can be affected negatively.
Learn more about holistic medicine and see how New Life Healthcare is focused on addressing the causes of health concerns to achieve true resolution and help their patients find a new life when you visit the website.