After learning that the time has come to let go of the remaining natural teeth and invest in some alternative, the patient finally settles on a set of Dentures in Bristow. The dentist took care of the initial fitting and made sure they were made to conform to the shape of the upper and lower gums. Now the task of getting used to those dentures will commence. Here are some examples of what the patient can expect to happen over the next few weeks.
Getting Used to the Feel
At first, the presence of those Dentures in Bristow may seem a little foreign. The sensation of something hugging the gums will seem odd at first, but it will not take long until the plates begin to seem like a normal thing. Assuming the plates are a perfect fit, the patient will not experience any soreness or discomfort during the adjustment period.
Learning About Adhesives
Wearing Dentures in Bristow requires learning how to use a dental adhesive properly. Since not all adhesives are of the same quality, it may take a little trial and error to find the one that is easy to apply and happens to provide a firm hold. Remember that the right adhesive also helps to protect and soothe the gums while the dentures are in place. Click here to find out more.
Taking Care of the Dentures
Since the dentures must be cleaned, it pays to learn how to go about the process properly. When they are not being worn, keep them in a container filled with water and, possibly, some type of cleaning agent. This will help prevent the material from drying out. The right cleaning product will also make it easier to scrub the surface of the plates and keep them looking great. Remember that if the dentures are taken out at the bathroom sink, place them on a towel rather than on the sink surface. This will help minimize the chances of accidentally dropping them on a hard surface and causing some type of damage.
For patients who would like to explore the idea of dentures in more detail, talk with the team at Gainesville Dental Associates today. With a little planning and education, the patient may decide that dentures are the ideal solution.