What Exactly Can a Patient Expect From Cataract Surgery in Oahu?

by | Mar 5, 2020 | Eye Care

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A patient in Oahu with a cataract can expect the ophthalmologist to surgically remove the clouded lens. They will then replace it with an artificial lens called an IOL.

What Happens During Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery in Oahu is an outpatient procedure that usually takes 10 minutes per eye. The doctor will apply a local anesthetic to keep the patient comfortable. They will then make a tiny incision that will let them access the lens so they can remove and replace it.Full recovery takes about a month, but many patients notice an immediate improvement in their vision. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.

Are There Different Types of IOLs?

Yes. The very first IOLs were monofocal lenses that could only correct a certain range of vision. In most cases, they gave the patient good distance vision – but the patient would still need glasses to read or look at anything close up. An increasing number of IOLs are multifocal, which means they correct the entire range of vision, so the patient won’t need glasses at all. Toric lenses are IOLs designed to help patients who also have astigmatism.


CATALYS is the laser system used to perform cataract surgery. It includes 3D imaging as well as a laser. The 3D imaging technology allows the ophthalmologist to make a detailed map of the patient’s eye. This enables the doctor to perform the surgery with greater precision. Contact Hawaii Vision Clinic or visit Docwong.net to learn more about cataract surgery in Oahu.

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