What is Allowed in the Casket During Cremation Services in Milford, OH

by | Jan 8, 2018 | Cremation

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The death of a loved one is an emotional strain on family and friends and to ease the pain many people want to include certain things in with their loved one as they venture on to their afterlife. This tradition has led to carefully selecting the outfit and accessories as well as tucking photographs, letters, and other personal items into a casket. There are some restrictions on what Cremation Services in Milford OH can turn to ashes.

Remove all Jewelry

Metal items do not fully melt during the cremation process and are separated before the remains reach the final processing. After the cremation, any items like metal clothing fasteners, dental fillings or metal used for surgical purposes is removed from the ashes and discarded. This is also what will happen to any jewelry that partially survives the process. If people wish to keep specific pieces of jewelry with their loved one, they can always display them with the urn or put them into the urn themselves.

Avoid any Combustibles

It is acceptable before a burial to tuck a loved one’s favorite bottle of bourbon in with them, but this is not allowed when a cremation will take place. Glass could combust during the cremation and damage the equipment. Adding a letter, photograph or another item of this type is acceptable.

Discuss Medical Implants

Radioactive cancer seeds, silicone implants and pacemakers are some of the examples of items the crematorium needs to know about and remove, prior to the service. These items cannot be cremated safely. The staff performing Cremation Services in Milford OH will usually ask if there is any type of device implanted in the person.

Choose the Clothing

When selecting an outfit for the deceased remember that heavy clothing and shoes, large belt buckles and clothing with a lot of metallic embellishments could be a problem. Lightweight clothing is a better choice and is acceptable for funeral viewing services. A simple robe, if desired, is acceptable if no viewing is planned.

The staff performing the cremation and the funeral director willingly answer any question from their clients regarding what is acceptable, how the process works and much more. It is always a better idea to inquire about including items in the casket rather than trying to slip them in unnoticed.

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