What Should You Know Before Signing a Student Housing Lease in Indiana?

by | Jan 27, 2021 | Apartment Building

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Living in off campus housing near Purdue University can offer the adventure of a lifetime. However, it’s important to know exactly what you’re getting into before you sign the contract. Most contracts last for a year, so if you move in and realize that this isn’t the right living situation for you, you’ll either have to stick it out for a year or figure out how to break the contract. Reading the lease might sound tedious, but it’s important that you make an informed decision.

What Should You Know Before Signing the Lease?

Before you sign the lease, review the dates to see when the lease expires. If you’ll still be in college by that time, you’ll probably be able to renew your lease. However, if you’re going to be graduating, keep in mind that you’ll have to move out when your contract is up. Student housing is temporary–it’s not a permanent living situation.

You should also review the lease to see what you’ll be paying each month. Some student apartments include utilities with the monthly rent payment, while others charge a separate utility fee. You might also be responsible for administration fees and other charges throughout the year. Make sure you know exactly how much you’ll be spending so you won’t be surprised when your first rent payment is due.

If you’re looking at off-campus housing near Purdue University, stop by the Alight West Lafayette website. They offer tours for prospective residents at different times of the year.

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