No one wants to deal with rodents taking up residence in their home. These pests might appear cute and cuddly, but they can carry serious diseases that can be spread to humans and animals. Knowing what to expect from rodent Pest Control in Adelaide is essential for being prepared.
What Can Homeowners Expect?
While there are DIY approaches that can be used to take care of rodents in a home, these are generally not recommended. Not only are they ineffective, but they can also be dangerous for small children and pets that could come into contact with the traps and become injured or the poison and become very ill. The following offers information on what homeowners can expect from pest control in Adelaide.
The pest control specialist will first come out and inspect the home to look for signs of rodents. They may check for droppings and other clues that will alert them of the type of rodent problem that is present in the home. It is important the technician is able to determine the type of rodent, so the right treatments can be put in place to eradicate them.
Depending on the needs of the family and home, there are different options for treatment. The technicians can use bait stations, kill traps, and live traps. In addition to eradicating the population, it is also essential for homeowners to know how to protect their home against reinvasion. Sealing up any areas that allow rodents to gain access is a must for the prevention of a new population from taking up residence.
Signs of Rodent Problems
It is crucial homeowners are able to recognize the signs they have rodents in their home. The signs are typically unnoticeable at first, but they grow in severity as the population of rodents grows larger. The following are some of the signs.
• Rodent droppings
• Nesting materials
• Chewing noises
• Chewed walls and flooring
If you are dealing with a rodent problem in your home, now is the time to seek pest control services to get rid of them. Get more information when you call the Flick Pest Control office to set up your appointment.